We asked how might we help people feel more confident when they are cooking? The answer was a hands-free multimodal solution that gives personalized cooking guidance based on visual context and user’s progress.

Sous’s camera is a peripheral device used to “see” the current cooking environment and relay that information back to a cloud service for processing and delivery of feedback to the user via connected device.

Product Concept Storyboard

(A preview of the final product)


Information seeking behaviors

Searching for information to build confidence happens thoroughout the cooking process–well after finding a recipe. 

Today there is an enormous amount of information online for recipe finding–but users need help feeling more confident by building their technical skills during the “how-do-I-actually-make-it?” and providing feedback on their progress during the “am-I-making-this-right?” stages.

““I get frustrated looking at a recipe on my technology, cooking and getting my hands dirty, and not being able to look at the recipe again without touching my tech, which I can’t do unless I wash and dry my hands again.”

– Survey respondent

Searching for information happens thoroughout the cooking process to help users feel more confident but users hate touching their device while cooking! Current solutions require the user to interact with a digital display for help. Voice assitants on the market lack the context needed to aid users during the cooking process by meeting them where they at.



A seamless experience that leverages
each medium’s strengths.

Participants relied on their phones and laptops to help them cook but hated touching them while cooking.

An app on the connected phone or tablet will display information about the stove or prep environment and use the information in order to guide a user in recipe steps, skills, and techniques. It provides this information in a number of ways, bringing together the plethora of cooking media already available and combining it to leverage the strengths of multiple media (such as pairing written with video instructions).


Enjoy dating,
a good talk and wine.

Who doesn’t enjoy a good glass of wine in a beautiful place being in good company.

Cologne, clothes and senses. These are parts of the equation developed to get a first yet good impression. You´ll date as never before, because you´ll date with most of the work done, just be yourself and enjoy with a good talk with a nice person.


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